Naming a car is a tough thing to get right. You’ve got to make sure the name appeals to the right customer, broadly explains what the car’s about and is memorable.
Brands like Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi tend to keep it clinical, labelling their cars and SUVs with letters and numbers in classes and divisions.
Unfortunately the following 10 cars were memorable for all the wrong reasons.
You may also like to view our list of top 10 most expensive celebrity cars.
We’re sure there will be more in the coming years…
Below we list the 10 Worst Car Names In History So Far
Mazda Titan Dump

Say what? This is a name that definitely turns heads when people hear it. Of course, the Titan Dump is actually a dump truck. But still. Calling a vehicle a “Titan Dump” is never a good idea.
Surely there were some heated discussions at Mazda about this name and its, er, implications. No? Okay, maybe not. Still, the name “Titan Dump” is definitely memorable and bound to get attention. And when you need a dump truck, for sure, you want one that is as powerful as a Titan.
So we suppose that this name kind of works. In the right context, of course. Mazda has had some other unusual vehicle names over the years, notably the “Carol Me Lady,” the “Bongo Friendee,” and the “Scrum Wagon.” Really? Scrum Wagon?